Real Weddings from Your Midlands Wedding

See how other local couples celebrated their big day with inspirational weddings and bridal stories from Real Weddings features in Your Midlands Wedding.

Real Weddings: Let's party

Let's party

Abby and Connor met while working in the same restaurant. "He asked me how to cut an avocado," laughs Abby. "I helped him make guacamole and we laughed and haven't stopped since! It was a really easy and natural connection, and we got on so well straight away. Connor proposed in our first home that we bought together when we were 18. He rang me while I was on the way home from work, and I could tell he was excited about something. He scattered rose petals up two flights of stairs, and on each step was a sticky note that said something he loved about me written on it, I followed the stairs to the top, opened the door and he was down on one knee with my dream ring."


Real Weddings: Let it snow

Let it snow

Jessica and Hayden met at university. "Even though we are both from the Telford area, we actually met whilst at Leeds university," says Jessica. "I was working in a nightclub when Hayden came in for a night out and a colleague of mine introduced us. We got talking and hit it off right away. After we fi nished university, we moved home together and are best friends, we get on really well and are always laughing and being silly."


Real Weddings: Rustic romance

Rustic romance

Kathryn and Mike met online in 2015. "Mike was genuine and kind, and he liked that I was intelligent and funny," says Kathryn. "He proposed on Christmas morning in 2019. We were at home and had come downstairs to open presents with our daughter. They both disappeared upstairs and came downstairs with a small wrapped gift. I opened it and saw a sparkling diamond ring! Mike said: 'well, will you?' and I told him: 'only if you get down on one knee.' He did, and I said yes. Our daughter was ecstatic!


Real Weddings: A dreamy day for Catherine and Chris

A dreamy day for Catherine and Chris

Catherine and Chris met at school. "Chris is a year older, so we didn't know each other, but we got talking on MSN and MySpace," says Catherine. "We hit it off straight away due to our shared sense of humour and love of watching movies."

Chris popped the question during a holiday to Somerset. "We had always talked about getting married, and although we weren't officially engaged, we had discussed 2022 as a potential date," shares the bride. "I was at university until 2021, so we always talked about getting engaged after that. I was surprised when he popped the question during a holiday in 2020. We booked the trip for my birthday and spent the week in a lodge near the town of Wells. We went for a walk to Ebbor Gorge, and overlooking the beautiful scenery, Chris got down on one knee!"


Real Weddings: A beautiful day

A beautiful day

Grace and Ben met at a birthday party. "I'd just returned from Las Vegas, and Ben was travelling there in a few months, so we were chatting about things to do and places to go for the majority of the barbecue," says Grace. "After the party, I added Ben on Facebook. After several attempts and last-minute cancellations, we finally went on our first date 18 months later. The thing that attracted me to Ben was his sense of humour. I left the date with my jaw aching from how much I'd smiled and laughed the entire evening."


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