FAQs and expert advice about entertainment

Here is a selection of Q&As from Your Midlands Wedding magazine whether it be about flowers, hair and makeup, fashion, wedding themes, health & beauty, cakes, stationery, legal advice. If you would like your question answered by our experts, please email it to

Music To My Ears

Music To My Ears

Q We're thinking of booking our entertainment online, but we're a bit worried about booking someone we've never met. Do you have any suggestions?
A Joanna Rottenbury says: Firstly, we relate to this concern! Weddings are expensive, so booking and paying a supplier online can feel daunting and risky. The good news is that it doesn't have to be.

While this is time-consuming, research is never time wasted. Read reviews on Google and Facebook, which are great ways to see if and how the supplier responds. It's not possible to hide less favourable reviews, so you'll get a clearer picture of that business.

Any supplier worth your trust should be happy to set up a quick call to put potential clients at ease. Lots of our couples book online, but we're more than happy to offer a call to those who would appreciate a face-to-face chat before parting with their hard-earned money!

You must ensure you're happy with the supplier's recordings. Check out websites, as this is where suppliers will showcase the best of their work, but I would also advise checking Instagram and TikTok profiles for live recordings. You can also search for their name on social media to see if others have uploaded videos or photos from real weddings; this helps you check that the quality matches up.

Lastly, ensure you have fun during the process!

Joanna Rottenbury, Artume String Quartet

Dance the night away

Dance the night away

Q We're having an outdoor wedding; will we still be able to hire a band?
A The Expert says: An outdoor wedding is a fantastic opportunity to hire a band and create a truly unforgettable atmosphere! There's nothing quite like the experience of live music under the open sky. There are a few points to consider to ensure a seamless performance. Access to power is crucial if your band requires amplification, so check if your venue can provide this or if your band has portable power options. The performance area should be flat and dry for safety reasons, and your musicians will need overhead cover to protect them and their equipment from unpredictable weather. Sound restrictions are also something to bear in mind, especially if your venue is close to residential areas.

If all this seems a bit overwhelming, don't worry! From acoustic folk bands that can perform unplugged to full-scale pop and rock bands performing festival-style, there's an act out there that's right for you.

The Expert, Entertainment Nation

Dance the night away

Dance the night away

Q With so many bands to choose from, how can we find the right one for our big day?
A The team at Entertainment Nation says: Searching for your dream wedding band can feel daunting, but it doesn't have to be. With an agency like ourselves, we have experts on hand to help you whittle down the list to help find your perfect match.

It all starts with the right questions: what is your budget? Which songs do you want to hear? Where are they going to perform? When do you want them to perform? Once you have a vision, we can point you in the right direction and recommend bands to fit your needs. Your taste matters, and we want to make sure that you have the most relevant and fitting options to choose between. From floor-filling modern pop bands to toe-tapping jazz afternoon quartets, DJ live Ibiza-style party bands to soul and Motown groove-inducing bands, there's a band for everyone.

On bands' profiles, you can watch their promotional videos to see them in action, read their recent reviews, listen to their demos and scour through their repertoire for your favourite songs. Now that you have all the information you'll feel ready to book that band you've been dreaming about.

The team at Entertainment Nation, Entertainment Nation

Romantic melody

Romantic melody

Q We're having our wedding in our local church followed by a drinks reception outside, can a harp be played in both locations?
A Helen Barley says: A harp is an excellent choice for a wedding, as it will create a romantic atmosphere and enchant your guests without drowning out the conversation. To play in a church and then move to an outdoor setting is easily achievable on a smaller harp, which may be picked up and carried with minimum fuss. On a large concert harp, this will be a little tricky and time-consuming, as it will need to be moved on a trolley and probably wrapped in covers, depending on the terrain and weather. My perfect solution is to use a very lightweight carbon fibre harp, which is easy to carry and needs no covers. This is quite happy being played in the rain, snow or sunshine, so you need not worry about passing showers, and it can be moved and played somewhere else in an instant.

Helen Barley, Helen Barley Harpist

Jump for my love

Jump for my love

Q We're thinking of hiring a bouncy castle for our wedding guests. What should we take into consideration before booking?
A The team at Liam’s Bouncy Castle Hire says: When booking an inflatable for your wedding there are a few things you should consider. The first thing your supplier should do is check what design you'd like for the big day. For example, we have two wedding castle available for different budgets and other inflatables which are more focused on entertainment rather than the eye-catching all-white design.

Is the inflatable going to be placed indoors or outdoors? If outdoors, the inflatable has to go on grass, so you should measure to make sure this would fit. If it's going indoors, you will need to check that the ceiling height and floor space will be suitable.

The team at Liam’s Bouncy Castle Hire, Liams Bouncy Castle Hire

Al fresco romance

Al fresco romance

Q We would love to have a harpist at our outdoor wedding. Is there anything we should consider before booking?
A Helen Barley says: Having a harp for an outdoor wedding is an excellent choice, but you need to check with the harpist that they can cope with the problems which may arise in a garden or woodland setting. If they have a harp which is suitable for the terrain at your chosen venue, consider the following: Will the harp be damaged by the rain or sun?

Will the venue provide shelter for the harpist? I have often played at venues where there is cover for the wedding party and the guests, but the musicians and photographer are left in the rain. My solution is to have a carbon-fibre harp with gold plated levers, so none of it is damaged by the weather.

If your supplier has a full-sized concert harp, is there reasonable access on a level path for pushing a heavy harp on a trolley? Will there be a level and firm base for the harp to stand on?

There may not be any power points available, so a good wireless amplifier will be very helpful, especially with a gut-strung soft-toned harp playing for large numbers. A wireless amplifier, with a wireless transmitter, can be hidden discreetly behind bushes and not seen. A carbon-fibre harp is also a great option as it has nylon strings with a very bright sound, which carries really well outdoors.

Will they use digital music or paper music? If the latter, the wind can be a real problem.

These are the logistical considerations that I have discovered over recent years, with far more outdoor weddings now than there used to be. However, the main consideration must be that you enjoy the music that your harpist plays and have a good rapport with them. I would highly recommend meeting your harpist in person and hearing them play before booking.

Helen Barley, Helen Barley Harpist

Strings of love

Strings of love

Q What should we ask a harpist before booking?
A Helen Barley says: Begin by asking if the supplier charges by the hour or by part of the day? Weddings rarely run on time, so it's a good idea to check that the harpist won't suddenly stop and depart after two hours!

Are they willing to play the kind of music that you like? Can they provide you with sample clips or videos of them performing and are they willing to learn a piece of music of your choice?

You will need to discuss whether or not you will need amplification. Most harpists can provide their own, but some venues can help with this if not. Be aware that marquees tend to absorb sound, so amplification is recommended.

Can they play outdoors? This should be discussed at your first consultation if you're planning an outdoor wedding, so that they have time to plan logistics, transportation and protection for the harp. Most harpists require a flat, stable surface and shelter from the sun and rain, so you would need to ensure that the venue is aware of this before you book.

Would the supplier allow you to visit his/her home to see and hear the harps before booking? Also, find out if a home consultation to assist in music choices is included in the price quoted.

Helen Barley, Helen Barley Harpist

Dance the night away

Dance the night away

Q We have guests of all ages coming to our wedding, and we want a band that will keep them all entertained. Do you have any suggestions?
A Charlotte Robertson says: Live music is an essential component to your wedding. The atmosphere generated by a live band is incomparable and is a sure-fire way of getting everyone onto the dancefloor. Choosing a wedding band who'll keep everyone entertained can be tricky, so we suggest you hire a pop and rock band. These versatile groups will likely play everything from 50s rock 'n' roll, to soul classics and indie anthems as well as modern chart hits, so there's something for everyone to enjoy.

Alternatively, an acoustic folk band would also work really well. They tend to have similar repertoires to pop and rock bands but add a folky twist to each song. They'll turn up in rustic attire, making them perfect for barn-style weddings.

Before you choose a band, search through their repertoire or sample set list to get a feel for what they are likely to play. If you're struggling to decide, then by all means phone an agency to ask for suggestions – they'll be more than happy to help!

Charlotte Robertson, Entertainment Nation

Music to my ears

Music to my ears

Q My wife-to-be and I are thinking of booking our entertainment, but we're a bit worried about hiring someone that we've never met. What are the benefits of going through an agency?
A Steven Robertson says: Finding your dream wedding entertainment can be a tough job, especially if you're feeling anxious about booking an act you've never heard live. It's perfectly natural to feel like this, and it's something that many couples experience. Booking though a reputable agency is one of the best decisions you'll make throughout the entire wedding planning process. The musicians are top quality, whether you choose to book a rustic acoustic folk band, a modern dance band or a captivating classical musician, you can rest assured they'll be of the highest calibre. At Entertainment Nation, all our acts have been vetted by industry experts and we only work with bands who have experience and talent in abundance, so you're guaranteed a fabulous performance and a full dancefloor.

Agencies are there to help you choose your band and help you throughout the entire booking process. There are no silly questions so ask away!

One of the best reasons to book with a respected agency is that your booking is safe. You will receive a secure contract and a backup plan for any unforeseen circumstances, such as a band member being sick. An agency booking protects against these types of mishap, meaning you can relax and focus on enjoying your day.

The videos of each act are a true reflection of their performance and will give you a great idea of how the band will look and sound on your wedding day.

If you're still not convinced, read verified reviews from real couples on sites like Trustpilot, Facebook, and Google for an insight into what to expect.

Steven Robertson, Entertainment Nation

The sounds of love

The sounds of love

Q We'd love some live music at our drinks reception, but don't want anything too intrusive as guests will want to chat and catch up. We're considering a harpist, but what are the benefits?
A Helen Barley says: Having live background music at a drinks reception can really help set the atmosphere and put people at ease, so that they can feel relaxed while chatting to family and friends.

Something non-intrusive and not too loud would allow for conversations to be enjoyed without having to raise voices. I have played the harp at many drinks receptions and found it to be the perfect instrument for setting the scene, while not drowning out normal exchanges between the guests.

Amplification can be useful in some circumstances, and all of my harps have electric pick-ups, but unless the number of guests is above 100, I have seldom found it necessary.

It's worth considering the space you're using and how many musicians can be accommodated. Obviously, a harp takes up less room than a group of instruments and can generally fit in a corner quite well.

Outside drinks receptions can be really spectacular in the right setting, and once again the harp comes into its own. I have a lightweight carbon-fibre harp which I can carry in one hand, making it ideal to easily pick up and move into whichever part of the garden you are using. It also has the advantage of being impervious to sun or rain, so there will be no panics to run inside if a shower should appear. It's sound is easily equal to that of my larger concert harps and carries well in an outdoor space.

Repertoire on the harp and many instruments can be varied and tailored to the genre of music you desire. A wide selection of styles will ensure that every guest will hear music to suit their tastes at some point.

When choosing an instrument, it's worth considering access, drop off points and parking before booking to assist your proposed entertainer in deciding the logistics.

Helen Barley, Helen Barley Harpist

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